Interior Moderators

In an effort to maintain efficient oversight and responsiveness within the Interior, Theotech has taken a revolutionary approach by employing Moderators in a unique manner. These carefully chosen individuals agree to enter a voluntary, prolonged immersion into the system as a living testament to their commitment as guardians of the virtual world. This arduous arrangement showcases the lengths that Theotech will go to provide a safe and secure environment for its users.

The term "doubletime", as opposed to full-time, refers to the extended periods that Moderators spend in the Interior. Unlike regular users, Moderators must agree to stay connected to the Interior for months at a time without breaks to ensure continuous administration and response to situations that may arise. In exchange, Theotech offers competitive compensation and benefits, along with the opportunity for these individuals to acquire unparalleled skills and experience in the virtual domain.

Caretakers and Moderation Facilities: To support Moderators in this demanding role, Theotech operates large, state-of-the-art moderation facilities equipped with advanced connection beds and a dedicated team of caretakers. The specially designed connection beds are engineered to prevent bedsores and to support extended immersion. They are furnished with IV nutrition systems, eye lubrication, and waste management systems to ensure the physical well-being of Moderators while their minds are immersed within the Interior.

Caretakers are highly trained professionals who monitor the vitals and overall health of the Moderators, performing routine checks and medical interventions as required. They also provide psychological support and are responsible for aiding in the reintegration process when Moderators eventually return to the physical world after their extended tenure in the Interior.

A unique aspect of the Moderators' experience within the Interior is the implementation of memory encryption by their specialised moderator headsets. This state-of-the-art technology serves as a protective measure to maintain confidentiality, ensure greater security for the platform, and mitigate the risk of sensitive information breaches.

Moderator headsets utilise advanced encryption algorithms to veil certain memories associated with their work in the Interior. When disconnected from the platform, Moderators are unable to access these specific memories, rendering them incapable of recalling details related to their moderation duties. However, once connected to the Interior, their memories are fully accessible, allowing them to perform their responsibilities seamlessly. In addition to this, the Moderator's memories are backed up on large Autotape reels.

This system of memory compartmentalisation has multiple advantages. Firstly, it preserves the integrity of the Interior by preventing the inadvertent sharing of sensitive information or the manipulation of Moderators by external parties. Secondly, it allows Moderators to enjoy their personal lives without the burden of carrying work-related memories, thereby improving their psychological well-being.