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Tallis is a tidally locked planet situated in the Eris star system, notable for being the only celestial body orbiting its host star. The illuminated hemisphere is predominantly inhabited, with a majority of settlements located there, including the bustling capital, Tallis City. Rather than occupying the zenith point, the metropolis lies further towards the planet's terminator, which is known as the Tallis Date Line.

Tallis has a diverse landscape composed of roughly 40% land and 60% sea. With the majority of ocean located on its side closest to the Eris star, a cluster of artificial islands have been constructed, collectively known as the Tallis Isles. These unique landmasses punctuate the immense aquatic expanse, providing a home for various residents and unique ecosystems.

A notable weather phenomenon occurs twice per annum on Tallis – massive rainstorms and tides collectively referred to as the Tidal Storms. These hydrological events can last two to four weeks and necessitate the evacuation of the inhabitants of the Tallis Isles to the more sheltered confines of Tallis City.

During the Tidal Storms, only select experts are granted permission to remain on the islands. These specialised professionals conduct vital research on the storm's impact on the isles' ecosystems and infrastructure. The knowledge gleaned from these research endeavours contributes significantly to the ongoing understanding and preservation of both the natural structures and human settlements on this singular planetary marvel.