
AlmaNet (·𐑨𐑀π‘₯𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑑, Also known as the Interconnected Digital Almanac, AlmaNet itself is an acronym for Advanced Library of Multidisciplinary Articles and Networked Encyclopaedia Tabulator) is a comprehensive, galaxy-wide encyclopaedia and search engine that operates within the extensive PlaNet computer network. Unlike many open source platforms, AlmaNet restricts edit privileges solely to verified domain experts, ensuring a consistent level of accuracy and reliability across the digital almanac.

As an encyclopaedia, AlmaNet is focused on providing high-quality, impartial, and well-sourced content. Unlike more collaborative online encyclopaedias, AlmaNet's editing process is restricted to renowned experts in their respective fields, who undergo a rigorous vetting and approval process. This system, known as Selective Editing (SE), is designed to maintain the integrity and reliability of the information available on the platform.

To incentivise the creation and maintenance of content, AlmaNet pays its approved contributors competitively as part of its commitment to pursuing knowledge. Its non-profit organisational structure allows the platform to channel revenues towards improving its services and maintaining its network, while its funding primarily comes from a diverse range of corporate sponsors. To ensure impartiality, these sponsorship agreements include non-influence clauses, preventing any undue influence over the content of the encyclopaedia.

AlmaNet utilises advanced machine language models, known as Digital Librarians (DLs), to synthesise information and provide users with information not readily available in the database. These AI-driven comprehenders are optimised for natural language understanding and can interact with users, allowing for a more conversational and accessible way to interface with the encyclopaedia.

In the rare cases where AlmaNet's database and the DLs cannot provide a satisfactory answer to a user's query, the platform reverts to a more traditional search engine function. Known as the Galactic Query Explorer (GQE), this third layer of functionality grants users access to the broader expanse of the galactic internet to find potential answers.