

Zhia-Zhea is an exoplanet located in the far eastern galaxy, noted for its inhospitable climate extremes and as the homeworld of the Zhea species, known for their advanced technologies and unique physiological adaptions.

Geography and Climate

The planet's surface is dominated by vast deserts that experience extremely high temperatures and extensive tundras that are perpetually frozen. These biomes are punctuated by erratic weather phenomena, creating some of the most challenging living conditions found on any known planet.

The Zhea


The Zhea display remarkable biological adaptations, enabling them to thrive in such a volatile environment:


The Zhea have engineered technologies that complement their physiological strengths. For example:

Social Organization

While information on the Zhea's societal structures is limited, it is believed that their societal development has been shaped by the exigencies of their environment, fostering a culture that emphasises harmony with their surroundings and values the role of technology in their daily existence.


Zhia-Zhea is a remarkable case study in astrobiology and exoplanetary science. The Zhea, with their unique adaptations and technological advancements, have provoked significant interest regarding the limits of carbon-based life and the potential for life in extreme environments across the universe.