New Anna

New Anna is a unique settlement located on the Tallis Date Line, a distinct boundary where perpetual sunlight gives way to the dark hemisphere of the tidally locked planet Tallis. As the sole inhabited area near this border, New Anna thrives as a primarily agricultural community, with the majority of its economic activity stemming from a single family-owned cooperative, the Date Line Farmstead.

This resilient operation specialises in cultivating crops suited to the unique lighting conditions found at the cusp of day and night. Through their dedicated efforts, the cooperative provides essential sustenance to the inhabitants of New Anna and contributes to the broader food supply within the settled regions of Tallis.

Unique Flora & Fauna

New Anna boasts an array of flora and fauna that have evolved to thrive in the region's extraordinary lighting conditions. Among these species is the popular Dayglow Blossom, known for opening on daytime territory and emitting a faint bioluminescence when found near the twilight zone, thus attracting pollinators regardless of the light availability.

Many animal species have also adapted to this environment. The Shadow Skimmers, a species of quick, agile possum-like creatures, navigate seamlessly between the dark and illuminated areas, preying on smaller animals that become disoriented by the lighting shifts. The Ember Fox, a revered creature in local folklore, has earned its name for its adroit nocturnal hunting combined with an uncanny ability to blend into sunlit surroundings.

Human Traces

The prevalent belief on Tallis is that humans have gone extinct, and only Tallisites (with exceptions) inhabit the planet. However, unbeknownst to the majority, approximately 100 humans previously embarked on a daring hyperlight (HL) journey from Earth to Tallis. These resourceful survivors integrated themselves within the Tallisite community, establishing the settlement of New Anna whilst concealing their true origins. Their outward appearance, conveniently similar to Tallisites, allowed them to assimilate seamlessly within their new society.

Beneath the surface of New Anna's distinctive Tallisite culture, traces of humanity persist among the descendants of the last Humans. Some venerable artefacts from Earth, carefully passed down through families, have been repurposed as cherished keepsakes or functional tools, their original purpose forgotten. Elders in the community often recount fables and legends with distinctly human elements, though many such stories have been altered by the erosion of time and adaptation to Tallisite culture.

Date Line Farmstead

Date Line Farmstead is a family-owned and operated agricultural cooperative located in the unique settlement of New Anna, situated on the Tallis Date Line. This geographic feature marks the boundary where the perpetual sunlight of Tallis' day side gives way to the dark hemisphere of its night side. The unique lighting environment near this border fosters a rich ecology, as well as the potential for an innovative and resilient agricultural enterprise.

Unique and Adaptable Crops

Due to its location along the Tallis Date Line, the Date Line Farmstead has cultivated a variety of crops uniquely suited to the twilight conditions. This includes sun-lovers that benefit from perpetual sunlight, as well as shade-tolerant species that can survive in the darker areas. Genetic modification and selective breeding have yielded plants like the Twilight Wheat, a nutritious, high-yielding grain displaying an ombré colouration ranging from radiant gold to deep purple. Suncloak Corn, another popular crop, thrives under sunlight and produces cobs with varying degrees of sweetness, depending on the row's proximity to the twilight border.

Sustainable Farming Practices

As a pioneer in sustainable agriculture on Tallis, the Date Line Farmstead employs numerous eco-conscious practices to preserve and protect the local environment. These methods include crop rotation, companion planting, and integrated pest management, as well as the use of organic fertilisers and natural pesticides. The cooperative also harnesses renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to power its facilities and minimise its carbon footprint.

Education and Research

The Date Line Farmstead acts as a hub of research and education for both New Anna's inhabitants and the broader Tallisite community. It maintains an experimental farming centre dedicated to exploring novel agricultural techniques, breeding new crop varieties, and studying the thriving flora and fauna in its proximity. Additionally, the cooperative offers workshops and training sessions for aspiring farmers and members of the community, fostering a deep connection to the land and sharing expertise on sustainable agriculture.

Export and Trade

The unique crops and produce from the Date Line Farmstead are highly sought after in the settled regions of Tallis. In addition to supplying vital sustenance for the local population of New Anna, the cooperative exports and trades its goods, contributing to a thriving and interconnected economy. Twilight Wheat is particularly prized for its flavour and versatility in baking, while Suncloak Corn is coveted for its range of sweetness, making them glistening jewels of the inter-settlement trade network.